Guideline for abstract submission

Abstract :

General Policy

The user who submitted the abstract to the submission system would be recognized as the Presenting Author. The presenting author of an accepted abstract (oral and poster) must register and pay the registration fees no later than 1st may 2024 to ensure the rights for the presentation. Authors who have not registered by deadline will have their abstract removed from the proceeding book.

Corresponding authors registered on the online abstract submission are considered to the presenting author during the oral/poster presentation session. Changes by the presenting authors must be informed to the organising committee before 1st May 2024.

The scientific committee reserves the right to accept or refuse an abstract, to designate abstracts either oral or poster presentation, and to choose a suitable session for the abstract. All presenting authors will receive detailed presentation guidelines when the abstract has been accepted.

Submission Guidelines
  1. The abstract must be written in English and submitted through email to
  2. Abstracts must be original, not previously published or presented at a national or international scientific meeting prior to the conference.
  3. Submitted abstracts may be edited online up to the abstract submission deadline. Abstracts cannot be edited or revised in any way after the deadline. All accepted abstracts will be published as submitted by the authors. It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correctly edited and accurate abstract.
  4. Submitted abstract can be in a form of original article, case report, systematic review, or EBCR
  5. At the time of abstract submission, the submitter must select one single topic to index the abstract.
  6. The title of the abstract is limited to 20 words and should be brief and relevant. Only use standard abbreviation.
  7. Up to 6 authors can be listed in the abstract with up to 3 affiliations per author.
  8. The abstract structure for each form is below: – Original Article: Introduction, Objective, Method, Result, Conclusion, and Keyword – Systematic Review: Introduction, Method, Result, Conclusion, Keyword – EBCR (Evidence Based Case Report): Introduction, Case Illustration, Method, Result, Conclusion, Keyword – Case Report: Introduction, Case Illustration, Conclusion, Keyword
  9. Font, size, and style will be automatically configured by the template.
  10. Tables or figures are not allowed.
  11. The length of the abstract is limited to 350 words. The word count displayed beneath the submission field is final and indisputable.
  12. Subject of the file abstract should be written as format ID Abstract-Name AuthorTopic-Title  
  13. The Presenting Author should use only the official Word template available for download below. Any abstracts submitted in other formats will not be accepted. 
  14. Presenting Authors of accepted abstracts are eligible for RM 100 discount off their symposium registration fee. If the presenting authors are students, the authors are eligible to apply for a registration fee waiver by sending us the letter from the institution. Please make sure to pay the registration after the notification abstract. There is no refund for any presenting author who already paid registration before the notification of abstract acceptance.

Cancellation Policy  

Every Presenting Authors should finish the registration before they can attend the conference. If a Presenting Author is unable to attend an event for any reason, they may substitute, by arrangement with the registrar, someone else of co-authors or from the same institute/organization.

Please submit application below.